Thursday, 7 June 2007

Doudou - Folklore from Mons - Wallonie - Belgium

by Lavin

There is this folkloric celebration in Mons, in South Belgium, called "Le Doudou" that takes place during Catholic's Trinity Sunday. What the name means or where it comes from, I don't know, but it certainly arises passions among the locals.

The festivity is based on the procession of Sainte Waudru (Saint Waltrude), in which dozens of colourful pageantry-clad locals participate. The finale is a battle between Saint George and the Dragon, locally known as "Le Lumeçon".

More information about the town of Mons can be found in the link here

To sum up, it is a celebration that binds lcoal people closer, gives them a sense of belonging to certain roots, and among other things, a good opportunity to party.

As an external observer, it was a jolly good thing to be part of. You can click on the picture below, and it will take you to a series of pictures I took during the event.

As usual, comments about your own experience, or questions about this "Doudou" are welcome to be posted in the blog.

Doudou 2007

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